As of tomorrow, Morsels of Chocolate will be one year old! As we reach this milestone, I must confess a discovery: I do not try new recipes as much as I used to think I did. I thought this blog would be bursting with new recipes every week; but the fact is that I use the same old favorite recipes time and again. When a new recipe is tried, I might like it; but it will probably fall back into obscurity until I have a taste for something different again. As my family knows, the desserts I make the most are variations on the brownies theme. So as MC enters another year, I can't promise more recipes than before. I can only say that I, and K with me, hope you will keep checking back for more--because new recipes will get posted eventually!
Here are some random MC statistics:
*There are two contributors, although one of them rarely posts anything. ;)
*We have seven followers! Although I suspect that in reality, we have only two. At least, we have only two who leave comments. Thank you, Preciosa and Angela, and keep the comments coming!
*There have been around 60 posts, although not all of them are recipes.
*Main dish recipes are rare around here; mostly we post desserts. (But what did you expect, considering our name?)
Because of Jesus Christ,
Yay! Happy Birthday MC! :D
Yay! Happy Birthday MC!!!
And you're welcome for commenting!
Keep posting! :)
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