Sunday, August 30, 2009

Chocolate Fudge Frosting

For discovering this recipe, I give the credit to my older sister, R, who loves to eat it from the bowl.

Chocolate Fudge Frosting
Ingredients for 1 c. frosting OR 2 c. frosting (bold face):
butter, oil, or margarine: 3 T. 1/3 c.
cocoa powder: 2 T. 3 T. (light flavor) 1/4 c. 1/3 c. (medium flavor) or 1/2 c. 2/3 c. (dark flavor)
confectioners' sugar: 1 1/3 c. 2 2/3 c.
milk: 2-3 T. 1/3 c.
vanilla: 1/2 t. 1 t.

Melt butter in saucepan over medium heat. Add amount of cocoa for flavor you prefer. Heat just until mixture begins to boil, stirring constantly until smooth. Pour into small mixing bowl and cool completely. (Skip boiling if you use oil.) Add powdered sugar alternately with milk, beating to spread consisitency. Blend in vanilla.

One cup frosts an 8" or 9" square or round cake or the top of a 9" x 13" cake. Two cups fills and frosts an 8" or 9" two-layer cake or 30 cupcakes.

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