Saturday, June 1, 2013

Tractor Birthday Cake

My little nephew loves tractors.  And he just turned two.  In honor of him, I made a tractor cake.  And he loved it!

Side view

It was my brother-in-law's idea to put the candles in the cookies.

I didn't follow Jodi's instructions to a T.  Knowing how much my family loves chocolate, I used M&M candies for the head and tail lights, and stick cookies for the exhaust pipe.  The only wax-covered donuts I found at the store were miniature, so I had to send my sister on an emergency bakery run for regular donuts for the rear tires.  And, I used the extra cake to crumble for mud around the tractor.  It's sinking in the mud because of all the rain we've had recently.  ☺

The cake was a hit!

Mostly gone. There is a difference between mostly gone and all gone.