Saturday, April 23, 2011

Soft cookies

Secrets for soft cookies:

~Melt the butter.  And use butter--not a substitute.
~Use brown sugar.  No white.
~Do not over-bake!  This will ruin all your efforts.
~In fact, under-bake.  Then leave the cookies on the sheets a few minutes.  They will continue cooking.
~Do not place cookies on a wire rack.  This dries them out, resulting in hard cookies.
~Store cookies in an airtight container, along with a slice of bread.

Trust me.  It works!  :)


Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing these tips. My dad really likes the cookies soft, but they don't always turn out that way. I'll have to pass these to[s on to my sister who's the most prominent cookie baker 'round our house :)
Many Blessings,

Bethany said...


I just fiynd your blog through "Step by Step". Thanks for sharing the tips, I'll have to try them one day.

I never knew that you shouldn't put cookies on a wire rack. {Don't tell anyone, but I do that all the time!}.

Anyway, thanks for sharing!
Bethany Joy

Morsels of Chocolate said...

Thank you both for your comments! :) Bethany Joy, it is not a crime to put cookies on a wire rack. (I used to do it all the time, too.) However, it dries them out faster if you do that.

Because of Christ,

Peter L said...

Trust me. It works! :)

Trust me, they are better when she does them that way.